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Unveiling Your MBTI-based Negotiation Style for Strategic Success

😝 Thank you for being my friend, let’s get started!


You are what you believe, and you will get what you believe.

β€”β€” Charlotte Hou

Negotiation is about finding equitable solutions while gaining the best possible advantage. Successful negotiation requires good decision-making, active listening, and perceptive skills to evaluate offers.

MBTI - Today, we'll explore how to identify your negotiation style based on your MBTI personality type, helping you leverage your inherent strengths for more effective and strategic negotiations.

Here are the 5 negotiation styles and their characters

You can read more about the 5 negotiation styles here https://www.shapironegotiations.com/blog/what-are-the-5-negotiation-styles/

5 Negotiation Styles (press to save the pic)

Don’t remember the characters of each MBTI? Don’t worry, I got you!

16 Personality Types (press to save the pic)

Okay! No more waiting!

Let’s check out what is your negotiation style based on your MBTI personality type.

Competitive Negotiators

🌡 ENTJ (Commander)

🌴 ESTJ (Executive)

Traits: Assertive, goal-oriented, and decisive. Approach: These types focus on winning and achieving their objectives. They are likely to use a direct and forceful approach, emphasizing their positions and applying pressure to secure favorable outcomes.

Collaborative Negotiators

🍁 ENFJ (Protagonist) 

πŸͺ΄ INFJ (Advocate) 

πŸ‚ ENFP (Campaigner) 

πŸͺ΅ INFP (Mediator)

Traits: Empathetic, values-driven, and cooperative. Approach: These types aim for win-win outcomes and are willing to invest time in understanding the other party’s needs and building mutual trust. They seek solutions that satisfy all parties and focus on long-term relationships.

Avoidance Negotiators

πŸŽ‹ INTP (Logician) 

🌱 ISTP (Virtuoso)

Traits: Analytical, independent, and sometimes conflict-averse. Approach: These types may prefer to avoid confrontation and can be reluctant to engage in direct negotiation unless necessary. They might withdraw from conflict and seek alternative ways to achieve their goals without direct engagement.

Accommodating Negotiators

πŸ€ ISFJ (Protector) 

🌻 ESFJ (Consul) 

🌿 ISFP (Adventurer) 

🌾 ESFP (Entertainer)

Traits: Supportive, cooperative, and relationship-oriented. Approach: These types are willing to make concessions to maintain harmony and ensure the other party is satisfied. They prioritize relationships over individual gains and are often seen as warm and accommodating.

Compromising Negotiators

πŸͺ· ESTP (Entrepreneur) 

🎍 ENTP (Debater) 

🌸 ISTJ (Inspector) 

🌼 INTJ (Architect)

Traits: Pragmatic, adaptable, and balanced. Approach: These types are willing to give and take to reach a mutually acceptable solution. They aim for balanced outcomes where both parties make concessions and can feel satisfied with the result.

Let your friends know which type you are! Click to share this with them! ((press to copy the link) πŸ˜ƒ

😬 Want a more specific description? I got you!

🍐 ISTJ (Inspector) - "Logistical Negotiator"

Style: Detail-oriented and methodical Strategy: Focus on facts and data. Prepare thoroughly and present logical arguments. Emphasize reliability and consistency.

πŸ₯’ ISFJ (Protector) - "Harmonious Negotiator"

Style: Supportive and patient Strategy: Build rapport and trust. Use empathy to understand the other party's needs. Offer solutions that ensure mutual benefit and stability.

🌽 INFJ (Advocate) - "Visionary Negotiator"

Style: Insightful and idealistic Strategy: Highlight shared values and long-term vision. Use intuition to anticipate objections and address underlying concerns. Aim for win-win outcomes.

πŸ₯‘ INTJ (Architect) - "Strategic Negotiator"

Style: Analytical and forward-thinking Strategy: Develop a strategic plan with clear objectives. Present innovative solutions and anticipate future implications. Stay focused on long-term gains.

πŸ₯ ISTP (Virtuoso) - "Tactical Negotiator"

Style: Practical and adaptable Strategy: Be flexible and ready to think on your feet. Use practical examples and hands-on demonstrations. Focus on immediate, tangible results.

πŸ’ ISFP (Adventurer) - "Personal Negotiator"

Style: Gentle and spontaneous Strategy: Emphasize personal connections and shared experiences. Be open to creative solutions and adapt to changing circumstances. Highlight the personal benefits.

πŸ₯₯ INFP (Mediator) - "Idealistic Negotiator"

Style: Empathetic and values-driven Strategy: Focus on ethical principles and shared values. Use storytelling to connect emotionally. Aim for solutions that feel morally right and just.

🫐 INTP (Logician) - "Conceptual Negotiator"

Style: Logical and innovative Strategy: Use logical arguments and theoretical frameworks. Encourage brainstorming and exploring various possibilities. Stay open to new ideas and concepts.

πŸ“ ESTP (Entrepreneur) - "Dynamic Negotiator"

Style: Energetic and persuasive Strategy: Be charismatic and assertive. Use quick thinking and persuasive tactics. Focus on immediate benefits and keep the negotiation lively and engaging.

πŸ₯• ESFP (Entertainer) - "Charismatic Negotiator"

Style: Sociable and enthusiastic Strategy: Build a friendly atmosphere and use humor. Focus on positive outcomes and mutual enjoyment. Use charm to create a relaxed and cooperative environment.

πŸ‰ ENFP (Campaigner) - "Inspirational Negotiator"

Style: Enthusiastic and imaginative Strategy: Highlight innovative solutions and inspire with a vision. Use emotional appeal and connect on a personal level. Be flexible and open to creative approaches.

🍌 ENTP (Debater) - "Innovative Negotiator"

Style: Debating and challenging Strategy: Use debate and questioning to uncover needs and interests. Present multiple options and encourage out-of-the-box thinking. Be prepared to pivot and adapt.

πŸ‹ ESTJ (Executive) - "Decisive Negotiator"

Style: Organized and direct Strategy: Be straightforward and assertive. Use clear rules and structured arguments. Focus on efficiency and getting to a quick, effective resolution.

🍊 ESFJ (Consul) - "Collaborative Negotiator"

Style: Warm and cooperative Strategy: Build strong relationships and seek consensus. Use diplomacy and tact to ensure everyone feels heard. Focus on solutions that benefit the group.

🍈 ENFJ (Protagonist) - "Leadership Negotiator"

Style: Charismatic and motivating Strategy: Lead with a vision and inspire others. Use empathy to understand needs and build a coalition. Aim for inclusive solutions that uplift everyone.

🍍 ENTJ (Commander) - "Commanding Negotiator"

Style: Assertive and strategic Strategy: Take charge and set clear goals. Use logical arguments and strategic planning. Be decisive and assert control over the negotiation process.

Did you have fun with today’s reading? Reply to this email to let me know if you disagree with this categorization!

If you like my work, welcome to share it with your friends and discuss each other’s negotiation styles together! (press to copy the link)

Thank you and till next time! 

πŸ’— Charlotte Hou


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