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Practical Steps to Build Habits That Lead to Success

πŸ‘‹ Hi friends! Lost sight of your personal growth? 🌱 Let's nurture our mindset each day and thrive by year-end! πŸ˜ƒ Here are my daily learnings.

πŸ“š Today’s reading time is 2 minutes

🎯Keywords: Habit, Compounding effect, Enthusiasm, Success

The Compounding Effect of Daily Habits

Daily habits hold tremendous power because of their compounding nature. Small, consistent actions can accumulate over time to produce significant results. Success is not merely a goal to be achieved or a finish line to be crossed; it is a system that allows for continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence.

Methods for Cultivating Habits

Make It Obvious

Sometimes, habits are hard to remember. To combat this, you need to make your desired habit obvious. This could involve setting visual cues or reminders in your environment to prompt you to take action.

Make It Attractive

At other times, you might not feel motivated to start cultivating a habit. In such cases, you need to make the habit attractive. This could be achieved by linking the habit to something you enjoy or by rewarding yourself for sticking to it.

Make It Easy

Often, you may find it too challenging to form a habit. To overcome this, you need to make the habit easy to adopt. Break down the habit into smaller, manageable steps that can be easily integrated into your daily routine.

Make It Satisfying

There will be moments when you do not feel like maintaining a habit. During these times, you need to make the habit satisfying. This could involve tracking your progress and celebrating small victories along the way.


The Secret to Lasting Success

The key to achieving lasting success is continuous improvement and relentless perseverance. As long as we keep progressing, even if only by a small margin each day, we will be amazed at the remarkable achievements we can accomplish over time.

The journey to success is not about drastic, immediate changes but about the steady accumulation of positive habits. By making our habits obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying, we create a system that supports our growth and helps us reach our full potential.

Author: Charlotte Hou

Columbia University -Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

SFU -Interactive Art and Technology

World Traveler -2 times, 70+ countries

Lived in -New York, Vancouver, Asia, the Middle East, Europe

Recommended Book πŸ“š

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

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