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Investor - Entrepreneur Negotiation

๐Ÿ’กAll top rich people are great at negotiation

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi yโ€™all! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Are you ready to elevate your negotiation skills and thrive in all aspects of life?

๐Ÿ‘€ Today's content dives into fascinating insights from investor and entrepreneur negotiations. Buckle up and let's get started!

๐Ÿ“š Todayโ€™s reading time is 5 minutes

๐ŸŽฏKeywords: Entrepreneurship, Investors, Negotiation, Technology, Techno-optimism

The technology bias in entrepreneur-investor negotiations

Introduction to Technology Bias in Negotiations

Introduction to Technology Bias in Negotiations

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, securing funding is a critical challenge for many startups. Recent research published in the Journal of Business Research sheds light on an intriguing phenomenon: the technology bias in entrepreneur-investor negotiations.

This study explores how cognitive heuristics, specifically a bias towards technology, shape the perceptions and outcomes of negotiations between entrepreneurs and investors. The findings reveal significant implications for both theoretical understanding and practical applications in the fields of entrepreneurship and venture capital.

Techno-Optimism and Its Effects

The study highlights a pervasive technology bias, where both entrepreneurs and investors exhibit over-optimistic perceptions of technology-related ventures. This "techno-optimism" results in higher perceived value and more favorable negotiation outcomes for technology startups compared to non-technology startups. For instance, technology entrepreneurs tend to secure higher amounts of capital and retain better control over decision-making processes.

This bias persists even when projected performance metrics are similar between technology and non-technology ventures, indicating that the mere association with technology enhances the perceived potential of a startup.

Theoretical Contributions to Cognitive Biases

These findings extend the existing literature on cognitive biases by demonstrating the significant role of technology bias in entrepreneurial financing. The study also contributes to the venture funding literature by providing insights into how negotiations impact capital acquisition, emphasizing the importance of cognitive perceptions.

Furthermore, it enriches the field of technology and innovation management by exploring the influence of technology perceptions on financing decisions. The partial mediation observed in the relationship between technology and negotiation outcomes suggests that other factors also play a role, pointing to the complexity of these interactions.

Practical Implications for Entrepreneurs and Investors

From a practical standpoint, the research offers valuable implications for both entrepreneurs and investors. Technology entrepreneurs can leverage the inherent bias towards their ventures to secure better funding terms. However, they should be cautious not to overly rely on technology alone and ensure their business plans are comprehensive and robust.

On the other hand, investors should be aware of their predispositions towards technology ventures and strive to base their decisions on more objective criteria. Recognizing and mitigating these biases can lead to more informed and rational investment decisions.

Future Research Directions

Looking forward, future research should aim to validate these findings in real-world settings, involving actual entrepreneurs and investors. Additionally, exploring other potential mediators and understanding the impact of different types of technology on negotiations could provide deeper insights.

By uncovering the intricate dynamics of techno-optimism, this research paves the way for more effective negotiation strategies and better-informed decision-making in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Key Insights

1. Technology Bias in Perceptions:

  • Techno-Optimism: Entrepreneurs and investors exhibit over-optimistic perceptions of technology ventures.

  • Higher Perceived Value: Technology startups are perceived to have higher value, leading to more favorable negotiation outcomes.

2. Impact on Funding:

  • Higher Capital Acquisition: Technology entrepreneurs tend to secure higher amounts of capital.

  • Better Control: These entrepreneurs retain better control over decision-making processes.

3. Theoretical Contributions:

  • Cognitive Biases: Extends literature on cognitive biases by highlighting technology bias in financing.

  • Negotiation Outcomes: Emphasizes the role of cognitive perceptions in venture funding negotiations.

  • Technology and Innovation Management: Explores how technology perceptions influence financing decisions.

4. Practical Implications:

  • For Entrepreneurs:

    • Leverage techno-optimism to secure better funding terms.

    • Ensure business plans are comprehensive and not solely reliant on technology.

  • For Investors:

    • Be aware of predispositions towards technology ventures.

    • Strive to base decisions on objective criteria to mitigate biases.

5. Future Research Directions:

  • Real-World Validation: Validate findings in real-world settings with actual entrepreneurs and investors.

  • Explore Mediators: Investigate other factors that mediate the relationship between technology and negotiation outcomes.

  • Types of Technology: Understand the impact of different types of technology on negotiations.


Original Paper

Dunne, T. C., Clark, B. B., Berns, J. P., & McDowell, W. C. (2019). The technology bias in entrepreneur-investor negotiations. Journal of Business Research, 105, 258-269. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.08.024

Author: Charlotte Hou

Columbia University -Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

SFU -Interactive Art and Technology

World Traveler -2 times, 70+ countries

Lived in -New York, Vancouver, Asia, the Middle East, Europe

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