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The Five Essential Principles to Success

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The Five Essential Principles to Success

- Keywords: Success, Resilience, Challenges, Endurance, Resilience

- Structure: Bullet points + fun pic + content

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1. Strong Purpose or Goal Orientation

  • Have clear and specific goals.

  • Avoid activities that don't contribute to these goals.

  • Focus time and energy on achieving set objectives.

  • Historical examples: Napoleon, Newton, Marie Curie, Edison, Henry Ford.

  • Time is a precious resource; use it wisely.

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In Chinese culture, this is often referred to as having ambition or setting a resolution. Essentially, it means having a clear work and striving goal. A recent significant realization I've had is that everything should revolve around achieving one's goals. Anything that doesn't contribute to this goal should be minimized or avoided altogether.

Whether in work or life, one should avoid futile efforts. Successful individuals always have a strong sense of purpose in their actions, with clear and firm goals. Think of people like Napoleon, Newton, Marie Curie, Edison, or Henry Ford. These individuals knew exactly what they wanted to achieve and worked tirelessly towards it, constantly improving their methods. People who lack a strong purpose inevitably waste time, and time is one of the most valuable resources for successful people.


2. Strong Willpower or Belief

  • Possess tenacious willpower and endurance.

  • Believe in the value of chosen goals and the process.

  • Understand that great achievements require long-term, continuous effort.

  • Overcome numerous unforeseen difficulties.

  • Gain joy and fulfillment from the struggle and incremental successes.

  • Example: Confucius, who emphasized lifelong learning and self-motivation.

Tenacious willpower, patience, and endurance, along with a belief in the value of their chosen goals and work process, determine how far a person can go on the road to success. Achieving great things requires a relatively long period of continuous effort, during which many unforeseen difficulties may arise.

Pushing forward a career demands years of extensive labor. No career is accomplished as easily and happily as it might appear to outsiders. This prolonged hard work is an unbearable burden for many weak-willed individuals but is a source of joy for the successful ones. They tirelessly pursue their goals, finding immense honor and happiness in the process and the incremental achievements.

As Confucius said, "The one who knows it is not as good as the one who loves it, and the one who loves it is not as good as the one who takes pleasure in it." Confucius himself is the best example of this theory. He described himself as "forgetting food when engaged, being happy and forgetting worries, and not noticing the old age coming," which makes him a pioneer of modern lifelong learning theory.

It is important to note that willpower and endurance are often related to belief. Without belief or with a shaky belief, it is impossible to generate directional willpower and endurance. Only when a person firmly believes that their choice is correct, their effort is valuable, and all their sacrifices are worthwhile, can they maintain and even consciously strengthen their willpower and endurance in certain directions.

3. Strong Ability to Withstand Pressure

  • Handle pressure from the environment, others, and oneself.

  • Recognize that success involves constantly overcoming difficulties and solving problems.

  • Develop emotional intelligence (EQ) and adversity quotient (AQ) to manage stress.

  • Higher goals bring more significant challenges and require greater resilience.

  • The ability to withstand pressure correlates with potential success.

The biggest difference between successful and unsuccessful people is their ability to handle pressure. Achieving a career inevitably involves facing many difficulties and often being in adverse situations for long periods. Even after initial success, the successful person continues to face new challenges in the process of further development.

The process of life success is essentially one of constantly motivating oneself, overcoming difficulties, and solving problems. Pressure is a constant companion in the journey of success. The ability to withstand pressure from the environment, others, and one's own internal psychological and physiological states is one of the key factors determining whether a person can succeed. Modern psychology has introduced concepts like emotional intelligence (EQ) and adversity quotient (AQ), both of which are essential in dealing with internal and external pressures. Without AQ, human progress would be unimaginable.

4. Full Commitment and Work Method

  • Carefully consider the feasibility, costs, resources, and risks before taking action.

  • Once committed, dedicate fully to the task with a focus on achieving results.

  • Avoid activities that appear useful but are ultimately unproductive.

  • Overcome personal disadvantages through enthusiasm and hard work.

  • Collaborate with others to compensate for weaknesses.

  • Work confidently and professionally to enhance performance and success.

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Successful people follow the principle of full commitment and work method. Before taking action, they carefully consider the feasibility, potential costs, resource input, output ratio, and possible risks. Once they decide that something should be done, they immediately start and commit themselves fully to the task. They are characterized by complete dedication and a focus on achieving results. They prefer not to engage in activities that appear useful but are ultimately futile.

Full commitment means not only working hard but also overcoming personal disadvantages with enthusiasm. Every person, including successful individuals, has their own shortcomings. However, successful people manage to overcome or mitigate their weaknesses through their full commitment. The specific approach is to objectively and clearly recognize their shortcomings and then take action to improve them, collaborate with others, and, most importantly, ignore or eliminate the psychological pressure caused by their weaknesses. This allows them to work more confidently, effectively, and professionally, thereby enhancing their overall performance and increasing their chances of success.

5. Self-Control and Strong Self-Confidence

  • Manage talents, time, energy, and abilities strictly.

  • Focus resources on determined goals and careers.

  • Make conscious choices about what to do and what not to do.

  • Shape oneself into the type of person needed for success.

  • Accept both positive and negative external pressures.

  • Cultivate self-confidence based on a rational understanding of abilities and goals.

  • Self-confidence is essential for accumulating psychological energy and achieving success.

Successful individuals possess a strong ability to control themselves. Human talents, time, energy, and abilities are limited. Successful people know how to manage their resources strictly. By focusing their intelligence, energy, and time on their determined goals and careers, they maximize the effectiveness of their resources.

Concentration implies making choices about what to do and what not to do. It requires controlling certain desires and tendencies and consciously shaping oneself into the type of person needed to achieve one's career goals. This means not following natural inclinations or allowing oneself to drift without direction.

Successful individuals not only accept positive pressure from the outside but also welcome negative pressure. They not only face external pressures but also consciously increase their own. Regardless of external pressures, they consistently push themselves. This self-driven pressure involves significant self-control, compelling oneself to move toward the desired direction. The ability to become the person one wants to be is due to self-control, which simultaneously cultivates oneself.

Successful people have strong self-confidence in their efforts and self-worth. This confidence is based on a rational understanding of their abilities, qualities, goals, and methods of achieving those goals. It is a practical rationality that aligns knowledge and action, not just a hopeful wish. Self-confidence is the foundation of all psychological energy accumulation for successful people. Without self-confidence, even the greatest talents and energies are rendered useless.

Author: Charlotte Hou

Columbia University - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

SFU - Interactive Art and Technology

World Traveler - 2 times, 70+ countries

Lived in - New York, Vancouver, Asia, the Middle East, Europe

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