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Finding Gratitude and Fulfillment in Adversity

💡Reflections on Resilience

👋 Hi y’all! 😃 Happy Friday!

📚 Today’s reading time is 2 minutes

🎯Keywords: Resilience, Empathy, Gratitude, Adversity

How a Tragic Story of Loss and Strength Inspires a Deeper Appreciation for Life

Today, I watched a video about a beautiful woman who loves extreme sports like skydiving and diving. At the age of 36, she lost her left hand in a home BBQ accident. Despite her incredible strength in accepting and overcoming this tragedy, it's easy to imagine how devastating this would be for someone who values beauty, loves extreme sports, and is in the prime of her life.

This story evoked several reflections in me:

  • While true empathy might be unattainable, stories like this instinctively evoke sadness and even fear in us.

  • It reminds me that, despite the many challenges and adversities in life, I should never forget to be grateful for what we have and for what we have yet to lose.

  • Ultimately, the most important thing in life is to live in a way that truly fulfills us and make every effort to achieve that state of being.

What I Learned Today

  1. Being true to oneself is the key to achieving goals and success.

  2. Discipline = Time Management

    • Doing the right thing at the right time means having discipline.

    • Discipline ≠ Working non-stop, but discipline = Working when you should or plan to work.

  3. Learn to share; don’t keep everything to yourself.

    • By sharing, you are the one who benefits the most.

Author: Charlotte Hou

Columbia University -Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

SFU -Interactive Art and Technology

World Traveler -2 times, 70+ countries

Lived in -New York, Vancouver, Asia, the Middle East, Europe

Recommended Book 📚

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

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