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Discoveries from Using Travel Stories on My Dating App Profile

👋 Hi y’all! 😃 Happy Saturday!!

Today’s reading time is 2 minutes

Keywords: Travel, Dating app, Life, Live in the present

From Memories to Moments

What I Found from Using Travel Stories on My Dating Profile

The moments

Using stories of world travel on a dating app profile can be a great choice LOL. Over the past ten years, I’ve achieved many of my goals and aspirations, with one notable exception: finding a lasting relationship 🤷‍♀️. Thus, I intermittently return to dating apps.

Today, as I re-registered my dating app account, I tried to select videos and photos from my world travels from my Instagram. However, as I gazed at those images and videos from various corners of the world, I realized I felt less of that immersive, "being-there" sensation.

This realization struck a deeper chord in me: life exists only in the now, in this very second that defines our world. Our minds often wander through memories of the past or plans for the future, yet our physical presence remains rooted in the present moment. Our senses—sight, hearing, and smell—actively capture and transmit information, tying our memories to familiar tastes and sounds.

To live fully in the moment is to embrace our senses—observing with sight, listening with hearing, and perceiving with smell—immersing ourselves in the richness of our current experience. This tangible engagement allows us to truly feel and appreciate the world around us, reminding us that life unfolds in the here and now.

The information we capture through our senses enriches our memories, guiding us not to dwell in the past but to live better in the present. Life is fleeting, so we must seize what we can.

Today, this moment, the present, is what we can grasp and cherish.

Have a great weekend! 💛

Author: Charlotte Hou

Columbia University - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

SFU - Interactive Art and Technology

World Traveler - 2 times, 70+ countries

Lived in - New York, Vancouver, Asia, the Middle East, Europe

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