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Desire to Action: The Art of Turning Aspiration into Achievement

👋 Hi y’all! 😃 Happy Tuesday!

📚 Today’s reading time is 3 minutes

🎯Keywords: Desire, Curiosity, Enthusiasm, Success

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Happiness exists in the gap between desires fulfilled and desires in the making. Pain, on the other hand, lies in the gap between the longing for change and the moment change is realized. Our pursuit is driven by desire, and joy stems from action.

The Relationship Between Desire and Happiness

It is often said, "Desire is the wish to do something." Indeed, desire is a powerful motivator that propels us toward our dreams and goals. With sufficient reason, we can overcome any difficulty. If your motivation and desire are strong enough, you will take action despite significant obstacles. Intense desire can drive great actions, even in the face of tremendous resistance.

The Power of Curiosity and Enthusiasm

In the pursuit of our desires, curiosity and enthusiasm are more important than intelligence. Enthusiasm and curiosity lead to action, and action is the key to realizing desire. It is desire, not intellect, that prompts behavior. We do not need to be geniuses to achieve great things; rather, we need to cultivate a strong desire for what we aim to achieve.

The Art of Cultivating Desire

The key to doing anything is first to develop a desire for it. This desire can be cultivated in various ways, such as setting clear goals, finding internal motivation, and continually inspiring ourselves. When we have a strong desire for something, we will pursue it relentlessly.

From Desire to Action

Desire is the driving force within us, but only action can turn desire into reality. When we have a strong desire for something, we generate the internal motivation needed to take action. This process may be challenging, but it is these challenges that help us grow and find fulfillment and a sense of achievement in realizing our desires.


Desire is the engine of our lives, pushing us forward constantly. Happiness exists in the gap between desires fulfilled and desires in the making, while pain lies in the gap between the longing for change and the moment change is realized. We need to cultivate our desire for goals, maintain enthusiasm and curiosity, and take action to realize our desires. In this journey, we will find that true joy comes from continually pursuing and achieving our desires.

Let us use desire as our driving force, keep moving forward, and realize our dreams and goals.

Author: Charlotte Hou

Columbia University -Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

SFU -Interactive Art and Technology

World Traveler -2 times, 70+ countries

Lived in -New York, Vancouver, Asia, the Middle East, Europe

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Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

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